1. Kersey (https://www.suffolkmag.co.uk/out-
2. 1888 https://kersey.suffolk.cloud/local-
3. 1576 as above & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St_Mary%27s_Church,_Kersey
4. Very old road sign for road junction with Children on reverse.
(Search ‘Primrose cottage, Kersey’ and look at photos)
5. Cressland https://www.cresslandbythesplash.co.uk/the-
6. 1378 https://kersey.suffolk.cloud/our-
7. Beer Festival Sept (Street view time line)
8. Guthrum (Wiki – Hadleigh)
9. 1280 (Wiki-
10. 246 or 250 (Wiki – Hadleigh) https://www.thetouristtrail.org/guides/suffolk-
11. 13th Century (St Mary's church Higham Suffolk)
12. 6 cwt (St Mary's church Higham Suffolk)
13. Hillands (Wiki – Le Talbooth)(Maison Talbooth)
14. Aureole https://www.christies.com/LotFinder/lot_details.aspx?intObjectID=6011505
15. fulling cloth, at Flotfordmelle https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/flatford/lists/history-
16. 1531 http://www.constablecountrychurches.co.uk/history-
17. Robert Adam (Wiki-
18. The remaining bell (Wiki-
19. 2020-
20. Royal Navy (Wiki-
Bonus Grayson Perry! (Wiki House for Essex)
View East Bergholt bells being rung https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJQUT9_uyIk
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