Social Chairman Sue Horsey and Treasurer Dave Sperring present a cheque for £1000 to a volunteer from the Essex & Herts Air Ambulance in Feb 2024. Essex & Herts Air Ambulance is not part of the NHS. We receive limited government funding and do not have access to National Lottery funding.

As a charity, they rely on the generosity and kindness of people and businesses across Essex, Hertfordshire and surrounding areas.

Chairman Paul ‘Chippy’ Chapman present a cheque for £500 to The Harbour Club, a local charity based in Ferry Road, Hullbridge Riverside.  The Harbour Club is a day centre offering specialised activities and support for older adults living with dementia. We are open 4 days a week, Monday to Thursday. Led by an HPC registered Occupational Therapist with a high staff to member ratio they deliver a high level of care. All Therapy Staff have completed dementia awareness training and been instructed on the principles of person centred dementia care and the philosophy of Occupational Therapy.